Defiance Against Darkness Joyfully stomping on heaviness

Labeled by Love

While at my lowest point in life, I found myself locked up, desperate, and with out hope. During this dark time, I was wearing an orange jumpsuit everyday. I had been reduced to a number, and felt the burden of every false label I had believed about myself. 

It was in the middle of my mess that I encountered a messenger of mercy, a sheriff in OC Jail. This man treated me with dignity, his genuine kindness broke through the leper loneliness that I knew so well. Through this messenger, God showed me that I was meant to be labeled by His love. It was true kindness and compassion that led to lasting change. Since then, I have been set free from a chaotic life of addiction, mental illness, and hopelessness. I went from mourning to dancing, from depression and anger to joy.

I'm declaring breakthrough, freedom, and victory over your life, over your family's life. May you walk in the fullness of your calling and be all that God created you to be.

With each purchase you make, I will  donate five percent to the the Lock Minsistry in Brea, CA to help them build the Potter's house, a trasnitional housing program for those being released from prison.

Please see the link at the top of my page labeled "prison ministry" for more details.

My dream for this clothing brand is to help meet both practical and spiritual needs for the reentry population and those experiencing homelessness.